Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains answers to common questions of students and parents.
Is late work accepted?
Yes. Always turn in your work, even if late. It is very important to meet deadlines to ensure readiness for assessments. However, your Behavior/Work Ethic grade will be affected.
Excused absences do not count against days late.
If you do turn the work in late, please make a note of why it's late and understand that it may not be returned quickly.
I know I turned in an assignment, but I didn't get credit, now what?
Check the no-name bin in the classroom. Always keep graded assignments in an organized binder in case a mistake is made.
I want to bring up my grade. Is there any extra credit?
Click on the Extra-Credit link on the left side of this page.
Does my classroom behavior count towards my grade?
Absolutely. Behavior is part of participation and participation is part of your grade.
Are grades posted online?
Grades are posted online through Infinite Campus.
Can parents help in the class?
I welcome parent help. When appropriate, parents can assist with history simulations, field trips, and share special knowledge or skills. Please email Mr. Ryberg ([email protected]).
Field Trips
For the most part, field trips depend entirely on parent participation. I may hear of an appropriate venue, but I need parents to reserve space, create parent information flyers, organize parent drivers, set up a scholarship fund if there is a cost to the activity, file all appropriate paperwork with the office, notify the cafeteria, etc.
When are you available for extra help or conferences?
Office Hour is held every Tuesday immediately after school. Students and parents are welcome to attend.
Appointments to meet after school are also happily accepted.
This page contains answers to common questions of students and parents.
Is late work accepted?
Yes. Always turn in your work, even if late. It is very important to meet deadlines to ensure readiness for assessments. However, your Behavior/Work Ethic grade will be affected.
Excused absences do not count against days late.
If you do turn the work in late, please make a note of why it's late and understand that it may not be returned quickly.
I know I turned in an assignment, but I didn't get credit, now what?
Check the no-name bin in the classroom. Always keep graded assignments in an organized binder in case a mistake is made.
I want to bring up my grade. Is there any extra credit?
Click on the Extra-Credit link on the left side of this page.
Does my classroom behavior count towards my grade?
Absolutely. Behavior is part of participation and participation is part of your grade.
Are grades posted online?
Grades are posted online through Infinite Campus.
Can parents help in the class?
I welcome parent help. When appropriate, parents can assist with history simulations, field trips, and share special knowledge or skills. Please email Mr. Ryberg ([email protected]).
Field Trips
For the most part, field trips depend entirely on parent participation. I may hear of an appropriate venue, but I need parents to reserve space, create parent information flyers, organize parent drivers, set up a scholarship fund if there is a cost to the activity, file all appropriate paperwork with the office, notify the cafeteria, etc.
When are you available for extra help or conferences?
Office Hour is held every Tuesday immediately after school. Students and parents are welcome to attend.
Appointments to meet after school are also happily accepted.